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    +44 (0) 113 426 9301

Mixed Fund Cleansing

We have assisted several clients with mixed fund cleansing already and now outline here how we have helped one particular client.

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Non-Dom Changes and Opportunities

This year’s General Election resulted in a period of uncertainty for non-UK domiciled ("non-dom") taxpayers as anticipated tax laws were dropped from the Finance Bill.

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Common Reporting Standards, Offshore Income and HMRC's Certificate of Tax Position

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Mixed Fund Cleansing and Rebasing for Non-Doms - Effective from 6 April 2017

A written statement from the treasury has today confirmed that new tax laws withdrawn from Finance Bill 2017 will be legislated for in the Summer Finance Bill.

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Non-dom paralysis

Uncertainty continues to abound regarding the status of the changes to the taxation of non-domiciled taxpayers, originally scheduled to take effect from 6th April this year.

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Non-Resident Capital Gains Tax Penalties

Since April 2015, non-UK residents selling a UK residential property have been required to report the disposal to HMRC within 30 days of completion and pay capital gains tax on this as appropriate, ...

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UK - UAE Double Tax Treaty

We have many clients who have moved to the UAE and specifically Dubai in recent years, many of whom are pleased to know that the UK and United Arab Emirates ("UAE") Double Taxation Agreement ("DTA") ...

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White House Reveals Tax Plans

Yesterday President Trump revealed plans to significantly cut the tax rates for both individuals and businesses. There are few details of how and when these changes will be made but below are the ...

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D Day is here for non-domiciled taxpayers..

The 2016/17 tax year has ended and the key elements of HMRC's Non-Dom reform are now in force.

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UK Property and Non-Resident Capital Gain Tax

We advise non-resident clients on how to manage their UK capital gains tax (CGT) position.

Individuals who are not resident in the UK are generally exempt from CGT on gains made on the disposal of ...

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