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Turning the page to the new Labour government

After 14 years of Conservative rule, Labour has taken the reins under Keir Starmer with a massive majority as the electoral map shifted from blue to decisive red on 4 July.

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Pandora Papers - Does this affect you?

Last year wrote about offshore income and gains letters being issued to taxpayers who were linked to the Pandora Papers.  https://blog.taxadvisorypartnership.com/blog/pandora-papers

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HMRC Success Against Bernie Ecclestone

HMRC Success Against Bernie Ecclestone :  What does this mean for those of us that aren't billionaires?Its been widely publicised that HMRC have been successful in their criminal investigation of ...

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HMRC Send 23,936 Offshore Nudge Letters re 2022/23

HMRC continue to become aware of taxpayers who may be in receipt of income/gains from overseas assets via automatic exchange of information with other countries. This has led to a significant ...

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Post Pandemic Residency Review

It is being widely reported in the press that HMRC are targeting individuals that have claimed non-resident status for UK tax purposes during the Covid-19 pandemic.As we well know the pandemic caused ...

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7.75% Late Payment Interest - A sting in the tail


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Pandora Papers - What were they and what if you were named in them?

The Pandora papers involved the release of millions of documents from a number of different offshore financial service providers, revealing amongst other financial activities, serious tax avoidance ...

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Autumn Statement - Summary

Earlier today the current Chancellor announced the latest Autumn Statement. Unlike the “fiscal event” announced 55 days ago by the previous Chancellor, this was a tax raising and cost cutting ...

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HMRC Target Offshore Companies

We have been made aware by the Chartered Institute of Taxation that, the UK tax authorities,  HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) intend to target offshore companies owning UK property.

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Mini-budget key points

Today Kwasi Kwarteng presented his first budget and with a clear strategy, reduce taxes to stimulate growth!

Some headline changes were already anticipated but the Chancellor pulled a rabbit from the ...

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