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Exercising options: Expats beware!

HMRC are set to make a small but important change to the taxation of share options awarded to internationally mobile employees with effect from 6 April 2015.

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Non-doms not deterred

As recently reported in the FT, the levy on non-domiciled individuals raised £178m for the UK exchequer for the 2011-12 tax year. This represents a 6% rise on the prior year, and the highest figure ...

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Cayman Get It: HMRC target taxpayers with financial assets on the Island

Following the automatic tax information exchange agreement between the UK and the Cayman Islands, signed on 5 November 2013, HMRC has written to UK resident individuals it understands hold bank ...

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What a Relief – Tax Mitigation for Expats

UK tax rules applying to UK non-dom’s and expatriates have been subject to significant change since 6 April 2008. These changes have resulted in key pieces of legislation being introduced namely the ...

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This article centres around 2 key questions:

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Tax Implications on Redundancy/Termination Pay: foreign service relief

It is always disappointing to hear news of redundancies, but sadly the likes of Reuters and Barclays have announced some fairly major cutbacks of late. One slightly nicer side to severance packages ...

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Breaking news: Capital Gains Tax Charges for Non-Resident Owners of UK Real Estate

Following the introduction of new laws in Finance Act 2013 regarding the ownership of UK real estate in a corporate vehicle, it has now been widely reported in the press that further changes may be ...

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A BIR’d in the Hand

Or how to remit and make free investments

The difference in the way the UK taxes its own citizens and non-UK domiciles (“non-doms”) is well understood. Most of us have heard of the remittance basis ...

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UK Income Tax Reliefs ‘For the Class of 2013’

If you have recently started a new role with a UK employer following completion of your under graduate, and/or post graduate studies you will probably be aware that you will be subject to UK income ...

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Home is Where the Charge is

The Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings or “ATED” regime is now upon us, and could end up being a first step towards a so-called mansion tax in the UK.

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