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CGT Hike Looming?

The Sword of Damocles hanging over UK investors is the continued threat of hikes in capital gains tax (“CGT”) rates. The rates of capital gains tax are currently very competitive, with CGT charges at ...

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ATED Filing Obligations and Penalties…

Companies that own UK property are required to file annual ATED Returns (“Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings”) with HMRC.

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Footballers beware!

Football is currently providing rich pickings for HMRC as illustrated by a recent Freedom of Information request.

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Budget 2021

The Budget will be held on Wednesday March 3, 2021.

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The UK's Tax return deadline is fast approaching

The UK’s personal tax Self Assessment return deadline is on 31 January 2021. The return covers the period starting on 6 April 2019 and ending on 5 April 2020. 

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Remuneration Trusts Targeted by HMRC

HMRC have published Spotlight 56 entitled Disguised remuneration: tax avoidance by owner managed companies using Remuneration Trusts. 

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HMRC sets its sights on individuals with overseas assets / income

In recent weeks HMRC have recommenced a campaign which targets taxpayers that have overseas assets, income and gains, which may not have previously been disclosed to HMRC.

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Mini-Budget Introduces Immediate Measures to Boost the UK’s “Post-Covid 19 Economy”

The Chancellor has today introduced new financial measures in a mini-budget aimed squarely at creating job placements for the young, retaining and saving jobs for the those who have been furloughed, ...

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UK Tax Residency and the Impact of Covid-19

The world is seeing unprecedented disruption as we try and cope with the outbreak of the latest coronavirus.

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Budget update 2020-21

Today the UK government announced its Budget for 2020-21.

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