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Fallout from proposed Non-Dom rule changes - Inheritance Tax

In their attempt to simplify and reduce the tax breaks currently available to non-UK domiciled individuals (Non-Doms), the Government’s proposed legislative changes will remove the concept of ...

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Non-Domiciled - What is a Non-Dom and what is the Remittance Basis?

There has been a huge amount of press around the fact that Rishi Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murthy, is a “non-dom” and able to access the “remittance basis of taxation”.In case it isn’t clear this isn’t a ...

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HMRC’s Offshore Investment Fund Letters

It has become evident that HMRC are acting on information received under the Common Reporting Standards (“CRS”) and other information exchange agreements to make contact with taxpayers that they ...

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HMRC Requesting Offshore Income & Gains information

As previously discussed here  HMRC have been targeting taxpayers who they believe have overseas income and gains, which may not have previously been disclosed. 

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HMRC confirms no trust protection for offshore income gains

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Visa Go Go!

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